Products that are not as harmful as they are said to be
In their desire to lose weight, people are often guided by the advice of their friends, which can be very far from scientific data. What “harmful” foods can you actually eat at least every day?
Daniel Ursua, a nutritionist from Spain, told in an interview with the newspaper La Vanguardia about foods that are demonized a lot and are absolutely useless – in fact, they do not prevent you from losing weight, but go only for the benefit.
One of the products that is often brought undeserved accusations is chicken eggs. They do contain cholesterol, but studies show that reasonable consumption of eggs not only does not lead to an increase in blood cholesterol, but also helps to lower it. Meanwhile, eggs are rich in easily digestible protein, vitamins, minerals and contain healthy fats.
Ursua believes that one egg a day is absolutely safe for health, of course, if you do not suffer from allergies. The nutritionist advises to include eggs in the daily diet, as well as to pay attention to the eggs of other birds, in particular, quail.
Another product that is often attacked is nuts. Ursua said that many people think that nuts are a direct way to gaining extra weight. But this is true only if you eat them several times more than the recommended norm, which is 30 grams per day. Nuts are very high in calories, but rich in nutrients and help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Also, the expert listed other foods that should not be given up. This is milk, fish, avocado.
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