Products that can destroy the intestinal mucosa

For a healthy intestinal mucosa, it is important to minimize consumption certain foods or avoid them.

How can susceptibility to colds or flu and food be related? Meanwhile, the food consumed every day has a great influence on the condition of the intestines and, along with it, on immunity, since about 70 percent of the cells of the human immune defense are located in this organ of the digestive tract. More precisely, in the intestinal mucosa.

According to Eric Martens, a scientist at the University of Michigan, the intestinal mucosa is a container for bacteria that need food, otherwise they will start eating the membrane itself. However, inappropriate products lead to the activation of harmful bacteria, and if their content in the mucosa becomes very high, this threatens the development of various complications.

The idea that certain products can destroy the intestinal mucosa, and healthy food, on the contrary, strengthens it, supports gastroenterologist Thomas Freeling.

“Bacteria in the gut interact with the immune and nervous systems. If you eat poorly for a long time, you become more prone to infections, depression. In addition, chronic inflammation of the intestines can develop, which increases the risk of colon cancer and cirrhosis of the liver,” the expert states.

According to Freeling, the condition of the intestines is particularly favorably affected by a diet reminiscent of the Mediterranean diet and with a high fiber content. The doctor advises to consume red meat no more than twice a week (no more than 500 grams). Sweet and simple carbohydrates should be consumed strictly in moderate quantities.

Scientists have also named products that destroy the intestinal mucosa.

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Author: alex

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