Products that can heal nerves and intestines
Nutritionists have named products that are equally beneficial for the body and mind.
Scientists from the National University of Ireland in Cork claim that products that contain a lot of fiber can help cope with nerves. After all, stress harms not only your psyche, but also your body. The brain and intestines suffer the most from this.
A new study by Irish scientists has proven that a “special diet” easily helps to cure stress and its harmful effects on your intestines. They advised including vegetables, legumes and other grains in your diet. They have fiber, which helps produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) in the large intestine (which reduces anxiety).
Great stress can cause thinning of the intestinal walls, “leaky gut syndrome” may occur. In this case, bacteria, food proteins and waste products begin to leak into the bloodstream, which causes chronic inflammation. But this process can be reversed.
The researchers conducted an experiment with rodents. To do this, the subjects were placed in stressful conditions, but at the same time, they received SCFA. Then the mice had reduced anxiety and improved digestive system function. This confirmed the theory of the relationship between diet and stress. However, scientists still cannot explain why this happens.
– It is important to understand whether SCFAs can eliminate the symptoms of disorders associated with depression in humans, says Dr. John Cryan, author of the study.
By the way, a diet rich in fiber has one big plus – it prevents the gain of excess body weight.
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