Products that narrow vessels and promote hypertension


vascular narrowing can lead to circulatory disruption, hypertension , headaches, excessive sensitivity to the cold – with the ability to narrow vessels differ products present in the diet of many people.

about what foods can narrow vessels, contributing on the pages of Sabah (Turkey). The following list includes the following.

licorice root (lacritus). this plant is used in the treatment of many diseases, but its daily use for several weeks can cause hypertension, experts warn. They explain this effect by the fact that licorice contains glycyrrhizic acid, which has the ability to retain sodium in the body.

caffeine. it also narrows blood vessels, while contained not only in coffee. But in tea, chocolate. By the way, thanks to this effect, they can alleviate headaches. . This type of fat is present in cakes, cakes, muffins, popcorn for microwave, margarine, cookies, sweets with cream, fatty meat. Doctors strongly advise to reduce the consumption of industrialized food products, they have a very significant dosage. Experts remind: receiving a large amount of sodium, the body delays water, which increases the volume of blood and its effect on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, blood pressure increases, hypertension develops.

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Author: alex

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