Products that need to be abandoned after 30 years

The ranking of the most harmful products for those who have already celebrated their thirtieth birthday was topped by sugar. According to nutritionists, it provokes inflammatory processes, impairs skin elasticity and preserves collagen production.

According to the nutritionist, all types of sugar are quite toxic, especially for adipose tissue.

– As a result of excessive consumption chronic inflammation of adipose tissue develops, which leads to all age-related diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis and diabetes, he noted.

Everything containing trans fats (fast food and snacks) should also be excluded from the diet. After thirty years, the body does not process all this, so excess weight and aging skin are guaranteed.

– Trans fats very powerfully stimulate the development of atherosclerosis, and even more so than the so-called saturated fatty acids, – emphasized the doctor.< /p>

Sausage products containing preservatives, flavor enhancers and stabilizers will also have to be forgotten. And it is even better to refuse products made from white flour, which increase the level of glucose in the blood. This can lead to obesity and diabetes.

As for vegetable oils such as sunflower, corn, soybean, rich in Omega-6 fatty acids, they should be much less than olive and linseed oils, rich in Omega- 3.

Earlier, the doctor told which products will help reduce high blood cholesterol. According to the expert, onions and garlic with regular use protect the walls of blood vessels from plaque build-up. And to lower cholesterol, you need to eat dried apples.

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Author: alex

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