Products that reduce inflammation of the pancreas
doctors named products that help reduce the inflammation of the pancreas. It is advised to cook from the pulp of vegetables with the addition of lemon juice and water. In third place – artichoke, which facilitates the work of the gallbladder, pancreas and liver. It, among other things, facilitates the process of digestion of fatty foods.
also useful avocados, linseed oil, buckwheat porridge. In any case, you should consult a specialist before taking anything.
Acute pancreatitis is a dangerous disease that is characterized by acute inflammation of the pancreas, the main functions of which are insulin production and participation in the digestive process. This disease can lead to insufficient function of other organs, such as lungs and kidneys.
causes of pancreatitis many, but most often affect malnutrition with a predominance of spicy, fatty or poor food, alcohol abuse. May provoke inflammation some medicines.
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