Products that will help to normalize the level of cholesterol

Cholesterol is necessary for the body, but its excess can lead to serious problems, for example, the formation of plaques on blood vessels.

An article was published in the medical journal BMJ about food that can normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood. The publication's experts noted that cholesterol is necessary for the body, in particular, for the production of hormones, cell division and the functioning of the nervous system.

But most often, too much lipid comes from food, and this already threatens problems. Thus, an excess of cholesterol leads to the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which turn into blood clots and pose a threat to life.

As the experts said, most often patients who have a too high level of bad cholesterol and its normal ratio with good cholesterol are disturbed , drugs from the group of statins are prescribed. But they have many side effects, so experts recommend including foods rich in magnesium in your diet – this is a wonderful natural statin.

Magnesium is a necessary mineral for many processes in the body, including those responsible for blood pressure, level blood sugar, correct functioning of the nervous system. In order to get more magnesium with food, the following products should be present in the daily diet:

  • bananas;
  • nuts;
  • pumpkin;
  • >

  • cucumber;
  • beans;
  • oatmeal;
  • sesame;
  • apricot.

In addition, it is important for people who have high cholesterol not to forget about foods containing Omega-3. These are fatty fish, olive oil, flax seeds.

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Author: alex

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