Professional chefs told how to “save” oversalted soup
Few housewives know that you can save the first course even if it tastes like the waters of the Red Sea.
The easiest way is to add potatoes to the saucepan with the rest of the ingredients. Put a few peeled tubers in water, and they will absorb the excess salt, and after 10 minutes, scoop them out of the soup with a ladle.
Another working method used by professional chefs is adding cereals.
Rice or barley are perfect for this. It is especially convenient to use grains that are in a special cooking bag – this way you will not only save the soup from excess salt, but also prepare a side dish with broth.
You can also put the cereals in a cloth bag, which should be removed from the pan after the first dish is ready.
Finally, the easiest way is to drain some of the broth and replace it with boiling water. In this case, do not forget to add a little butter to the soup – this will return the dish to its rich taste.
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