go to bed, touch pillows and” disconnect “-a dream of many, especially if you need to insert it in the morning. But unfortunately, because of the stress and active rhythms of life, it is not all possible. Therefore, you need to learn quickly without the help of a first aid kit.
family psychologist, psychotherapist Larisa Rossole shared several correct techniques that will help to relax quickly and set up to sleep. Each is done already lying in bed in full willingness to sleep.
To relax, you need to strain, not mentally, but physically. So, as much as possible, straighten your feet and fingers, then relax. Next, also strain, just connect the leg muscles and abdomen, after the trembling, relax again. Next, also “turn on” tension throughout the body, hold at the extreme point for 10 seconds and relax again. If necessary, repeat all several times until you fall asleep.
scroll the day in reverse order
Remember the details of how your day went, but vice versa, starting in the evening. Imagine as vividly as possible in bed, then you took a bath, how they wiped the table after dinner, how they dinner, how they cooked food and so every event before awakening in the morning. Only it is unlikely that you will be able to scroll through all day – those who used this method have not yet reached the “Call”. On the account “4-7-8”. Yes, when you calculate 4 seconds, slowly take your nose, then, count to 7, hold your breath, exhale smoothly with your mouth and count to 8. Repeat so several times.
This method not only helps to adjust the body to “night breathing”, but also allows you to concentrate on the account and correctness.
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