Psychologists debunk the myth that opposites attract
We've heard a million times that opposites attract. In reality, that's not true. The laws of psychology and the laws of physics are not the same, especially when it comes to love.
Only in fairy tales do princes on white horses fall in love with simpletons. In reality, that's not the case. Of course, there are exceptions, but society is structured in such a way that it is more convenient for two similar and approximately equal people to create relationships.
Condemnation from friends and loved ones
People from two different spheres can start a relationship, but this will be opposed, for example, by parents. History knows many examples when one lover was a nobody, and the other was rich and famous, and everything worked out for them, but in most cases this does not happen.
Parents will definitely be against it. If parents do not show negativity, friends will. Some will envy success, others will openly interfere for some other reason. Only very strong feelings will help to overcome this.
Sometimes judgment works in the opposite direction. People are strange creatures, so they can do things contrary to themselves to prove to themselves and others that what they have planned is possible and feasible.
Differences in thinking and worldview
At first, two completely different people will be attracted because they are interested in getting to know each other. Then, when the time comes to get to know the person better, they will seem cold because they have a different outlook on life, different principles, and interests.
People in love who belong to different worlds will start to conflict or pretend that everything is normal, but they will not be able to hold out for a long time. Psychologists say that this can be overcome, but in this case, lovers need common interests.
It is very easy for those who are very similar, have similar interests, to find a common language. If people relax in the same way, then they will not need to make compromises. For example, if one loves sports, and the other watches movies and reads books, then relaxing together and having fun will be quite difficult.
Age difference
A particularly big problem will be the age difference. If people are not similar in this parameter, then they will face obstacles on the path to happiness. It's all about psychological age, which is also likely to be different.
If people differ in age externally, but inside they are both young, then such a union will be strong enough. Some psychologists and relationship experts believe that the ideal age difference varies from 3 to 7 years. Completely equal age can be negative, especially if the man and woman are very young.
Leadership and suppression
Very different people are almost always divided into pronounced leaders and well-known personalities who occupy secondary roles. In a relationship, there is always someone whose opinion is a little more important, but in the case of a misalliance, the probability of undivided rule is higher.
Of course, this has a bad effect on the longevity of the relationship and its quality. Not everyone likes to play a secondary role, leaving all the laurels to the other half. Completely identical people, being leaders, will also not be successful, but if there is a minimal difference between them, then that is already good.
The myth of opposites attracting has been alive for quite some time. At some point, people began to believe that two different people fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Only they forgot that the pieces of this mosaic are the same size and similar in color, because they are part of the same picture. The same thing happens with people. Everything should be in harmony, then compatibility will be the best.
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