Psychologists have identified 11 tricks that will help change behavioral patterns
All these tricks can be used in real life, they help in many situations or give an opportunity to understand elementary things.
11 psychological tricks:
1. If you need to tell a serious fact, and no one around is listening.
It is enough to say: “That's what my father told me.” As a rule, people at the subconscious level tend to trust parental advice, so everyone will hear such a phrase.
2. To determine sympathy on the part of another person, you can use the following technique: a certain word is chosen, when it is pronounced, you need to smile.
If you hear that the interlocutor often pronounces such a word, or rather, it has started to sound from his mouth more often, it means that there is a place for sympathy.
3. Playing Rock, Scissors, Paper, you can play a simple psychological trick.
Before starting the game, you should ask any question to confuse your opponent. In 85% of cases, he will show “scissors”, respectively, it remains to choose a “stone” for victory. It is optimal to ask an uncomfortable but simple question.
4. Everyone has found themselves in a situation where it is not possible to break up with another person while driving.
The trick is simple: you need to look in the direction of movement. And the fact is that other people look into the eyes of pedestrians to understand which direction they will choose. Demonstrating with your own eyes the correct direction for movement, you can avoid unpleasant situations.
5. A melody that repeats for several hours is often “stuck” in the head.
To forget about her, it is enough to scroll through the end of the song in your head. The main task: to prove to the brain that the song has already ended. However, if you don't know its ending, that's where you'll have problems.
6. Sometimes it feels like someone is watching and can't look away.
What to do in this case? There is an interesting technique: you need to yawn and see who will do it in response. Yawning can “infect” a person who is watching carefully. As a rule, others will not even notice it.
7. In order to leave a positive opinion about yourself during the meeting, it is enough to pre-warm your hands.
Warm hands are always associated with friendliness and friendliness.
8. If someone really dislikes you and you want to reduce the degree of conflict a little, it is enough to ask for a pen.
Can someone refuse a pen, because such a request is too small? At the same time, a person will convince himself that the hatred is not so strong, so normal communication can be continued.
9. To leave a positive opinion during a conversation, it is enough to paraphrase the interlocutor's words once and repeat them.
Such a simple technique will prove that you listen to him well.
10. While talking to another person, gently nod your head, creating the appearance that you are listening carefully and agreeing.
11. You should always remember the name of people you just met.
This will make the other person pay attention to you. And most importantly, she will feel uncomfortable, because rarely anyone remembers the name of their new acquaintance.
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