Psychologists have identified 5 sure signs that a man has fallen out of love
Love at the beginning of a family relationship is manifested very clearly – spouses take care of each other, make various surprises, go on dates, but over time, sometimes over the years, and sometimes even earlier, the romance disappears, and suspicions begin.
Does he love or not? Psychologists recommend stopping guessing and diagnosing your relationship based on 5 signs that confirm that your husband's love has passed.
The first sign
He has become irritable. He is no longer pleased with his wife's habits, he does not like her figure, the way she dresses, cooks. It gets to the point that he cannot hide his irritation even in the company of loved ones. At the same time, he does not admit to his new emotions, saying that everything seems to his wife and she is simply exaggerating.
The second sign
He no longer wants to appear in society with his wife, he avoids meetings where he has to be with her. In addition, he began to pay more attention to his appearance, updated his wardrobe, bought a new perfume. At such moments, the wife has thoughts, and for whom is he dressing up? Of course, it may be that he simply decided to change, but perhaps behind this lies the desire to please someone else.
Third sign
He has stopped supporting his wife's position in communicating with friends and family. The things that he used to share with her, he now categorically does not accept and criticizes along with others. Psychologists explain this by the fact that the man is thus trying to justify the cooling of his feelings.
Fourth sign
The lack of intimate relationships more clearly than others indicates a lack of interest in his wife on the part of the man. Instinctively, a person wants touches, hugs and kisses, but if the man tries to stay away and avoids all this, at least his feelings have passed, perhaps he is already giving all this to another.
Fifth sign
Communication has come to a standstill. He has stopped communicating and sharing his thoughts, no longer talks about the events that happened during the day, is he more on the phone or watching TV? According to psychologists, this is a clear sign that love has passed.
Experts note that the presence of one sign or even all five at the same time does not mean that you should immediately file for divorce; if there is at least one chance to save the marriage, you should take advantage of it.
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