Psychologists have listed 7 important signs that a midlife crisis has arrived
Some people realize the problem almost immediately and start working on themselves: as a rule, with the help of a psychologist, the crisis is overcome less acutely and painfully.
Others prefer not to notice and live by following their own emotions. With this approach, the period of adult “transitional” age can be delayed by 10 years.
How to understand that you, your husband or friends are facing a midlife crisis? Psychologists have listed 7 main signs:
Late enlightenment
A man suddenly realizes that he has lived his whole life wrong and this reality does not suit him. A successful accountant may take barista or bartender courses, an engineer suddenly begins to master the basics of online advertising.
During a crisis, a person has an unbearable desire to rewrite the script of his life.
Young lovers
During this period, men and women are desperately running away from their age, so they try to emphasize their personal sexual needs.
A young lover next to them is only a symbol of the fact that the person is still young. Such extraneous hobbies can even destroy a marriage, although later the age difference will make itself felt.
Aesthetic medicine
The midlife crisis does not allow people to accept age-related changes with dignity: it is one thing when people carefully undergo anti-aging procedures. Such an approach really allows you to look younger.
However, during a crisis, a person wants to return to his 20s, so the heavy artillery of plastic surgery comes into play.
Candid and fashionable clothes
Men try to dress like very young guys, and women, maintaining this trend, also try to look more candid.
And how did others get along?
If after 10 years you become curious about how your ex-girlfriend is doing or how your colleague is doing, this should make you suspect a crisis.
As a rule, when people are really important to you, you will not lose sight of them.
Teenage dreams
When we were teenagers, we made incredible plans for the future. Having entered adulthood, full responsibility and mutual obligations, we realize that we cannot fulfill all our whims and live only on what brings pleasure.
The midlife crisis once again reminds us of unfulfilled dreams.
A normal person tries to be aware of their health status constantly. If a person suddenly started eating right, decided to switch to vegetarianism, and became interested in diseases, then this indicates a midlife crisis, not self-care.
You need to pull yourself together, engage in self-development, and go to see a psychologist.
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