Psychologists have revealed why women actually check their men's phones
Many men fear for their phones, as if for their own lives. Therefore, they are not left unattended anywhere. They even go to the toilet with their phones. And in the shower… And women are so eager to see what their other halves are hiding.
If you need to look into someone else's phone in order to trust a person, then you have problems.
When you get into the phone of your husband or wife, you want suffering, according to psychologists.
Experts explain: the phone is a personal space. And they don't get into another person's personal space just out of boredom. If you secretly grabbed your phone or got into your laptop, it means that your soul is not in the right place – you suspect something badly. Perhaps the man even gave you a reason for this: maybe you caught him in a small lie, maybe he started looking suspiciously behind himself and disappearing “on business” on the weekend.
In any case, this is no reason to hack his phone. If you do this to expose your partner for cheating, then you have a big problem.
You fundamentally do not trust your partner and do not even assume that he is “clean”, psychologists say.
Indeed: when you try to read someone else's correspondence, you are not doing it in order to strengthen the opinion that your partner is the best in the world. And in order to catch him red-handed.
Experts advise the moment when the idea of rummaging through your husband's phone comes to your mind, to think about three things:
– Did you have Do you have a similar experience? If you have had cheating and jealousy in your past relationships, you may be carrying that experience into your current relationship.
– Your partner has cheated on you in the past. You verbally forgave him in order to preserve the relationship, but in reality nothing is forgotten – you suspect him constantly.
– It is difficult for you to trust your partner and talk openly with him for some reason.
And also think about what you want to achieve with this action, put your thoughts into words – and explain to your husband what really bothers you and makes you turn on the tracker.
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