Psychologists named 4 main qualities of emotionally mature and strong people
Mentally strong and emotionally mature people know how to overcome life's troubles and learn valuable lessons from them. Psychologists have listed four main qualities of such people.
They accept reality
Usually, strong people accept reality as it is, solve problems directly when necessary, analyze facts and do not embellish them. Dealing with reality often involves planning and having a clear vision of the situation, as well as communicating with other people.
Accept the consequences of their choices
Strong people take responsibility for their actions. and the consequences of their decisions. They do not ignore insults and do not assume the role of “victim”, blaming others for the problems they themselves create. At the same time, such people know how to show compassion for themselves in difficult times.
Have the ability to self-control
Self-control means that a person can analyze his behavior, feelings and thoughts and control them depending on the demands of the situation. Mentally stable people are not prone to affective realism (when the brain “draws” unpleasant or, on the contrary, pleasant associations). Although such people, like the rest, can be overwhelmed by emotions, they are able to recognize the difference between their inner feelings and the external world.
Able to cope with negative experiences
Mentally stable people know how to survive negative experiences and do not “hide” painful emotions and feelings in themselves, because the latter, according to psychologists, can lead to destructive behavior: overeating, alcohol abuse, other compulsive actions.
“Mentally strong people seek professional help or find some other way to get rid of their pain, such as talking to trusted loved ones, keeping a journal, or seeking healing in self-help,” – specialists note.
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