Psychologists named the benefits of three habits that are considered harmful

The stereotype about so-called bad habits has long been strengthened in society. Their list includes not only classic options, such as smoking or drinking alcohol. Some actions really harm our physical and mental health. However, a number of habits, according to psychologists, have an undeserved bad reputation.

Gossip is useful

Researchers from Stanford University found out that gossiping with friends is good for health, as it improves mood, reports in a scientific paper. Thanks to such communication, the released oxytocin hormone reduces the level of stress. Experts note that people who gossip more often have better control over their anxiety levels.

Social networks relieve feelings of loneliness

Although excessive use of social networks can cause depression , psychologists believe that this activity can bring benefits. Technology helps older people feel less isolated. The study was conducted among participants aged 60 to 95, the scientific publication says. According to researchers, active users of social networks demonstrated better cognitive abilities and a sense of personal identity.

Clutter stimulates creativity

At the University of Minnesota, they studied the relationship between clutter and creative abilities. The results of the study, in which 50 people participated, showed that tidiness is less conducive to creative thinking, and clutter stimulates the emergence of new ideas. People who are not prone to order were more likely to find innovative ways to solve the problems they encountered during the study, according to a paper on the website of the National Library of Medicine.

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Author: alex

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