Psychologists named the signs of toxic relationships

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Some people live together for years, inflicting emotional pain on each other, but cannot separate . This affects their psychological health. The experts told what traits in romantic relationships indicate toxicity and how to find the strength to leave such a partner.

Sometimes people even feel physical pain: they have a headache, backache, they feel heaviness in the stomach. Psychologists claim that toxic relationships are based on a sense of guilt.

One of the partners claims that the other cannot do without him, blames him for his own failures and problems.

Constant quarrels, lack of lack of attention and respect, low self-esteem, fear – all these are typical signs of toxic relationships, according to psychologists. The feeling of tension, irritation, “loss” of one's personal qualities indicates that the partner “awakens” these feelings.

The way out of “love addiction” must be realized. Therefore, it is important to first question your relationship and understand how much it causes you to suffer emotionally. Psychologists recommend seeking help from a specialist or relatives who will help overcome doubts.

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Author: alex

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