Push-ups from the floor reduce the risk of heart disease and prolong life

Research show that performing push-ups from the floor is a way to prolong life.

According to the data, the ability to do push-ups indicates the state of the cardiovascular system: the more push-ups an adult can perform at a time, the lower his risk of suffering from problems with heart.

The researchers found that the risk of cardiovascular disease in men who were able to do 40 or more push-ups during the physical test, compared to men who were able to do 10 or less, was 96% lower. 1,104 male firefighters participated in the scientists' experiment, and their health indicators were compared over a 10-year period. It found that participants who did the fewest push-ups at baseline had the highest rate of new heart disease diagnoses years later; while being able to do push-ups well was shown ten years later to have the lowest rates of cardiovascular disease.

“How many push-ups you can do in one approach is an indicator of your strength and a simple tool that helps your body and heart become stronger. Men who can perform 40 push-ups or more have the lowest risk of heart disease,” scientists state.

Scientists characterize push-ups from the floor as “a true universal exercise that affects the body from top to bottom.” They activate several muscle groups at once: arms, chest, stomach, hips, legs. When push-ups are performed with the arms turned inwards, the activity of the pectoral muscles becomes higher; when the hands are exposed, the triceps work more.

“An average 65-year-old man should be able to do 6 to 16 push-ups”, experts believe.

If it is not possible to perform such a number, no need to focus on any particular number. Instead, ask yourself: Can you do a push-up right now – and get to work, they recommend.

In turn, the National Health Service (NHS) declares that adults should do strengthening exercises, which work out all the main muscles (legs, hips, back, stomach, chest, shoulders and arms), at least two days a week.

Its representatives recommend doing physical exercises every day. They emphasize that any type of activity is useful for this – the main thing is to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week. These include brisk walking and hiking, cycling, jogging, brisk swimming, and stair climbing.

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Author: alex

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