Put the bread aside! 5 bad habits that are keeping you from losing weight yet
Check: perhaps your excess weight is not due to poor metabolism, stress, or even heredity.
Eat everything with bread
The hungry times are long gone, but for some reason the cult of bread has not disappeared. A Ukrainian person calmly looks at a discarded potato, but a piece of Borodino on the floor is still perceived as sacrilege. But if you discard the sacred meaning, then only carbohydrates in large quantities will remain.
We are not calling for you to give up bread completely: just approach this product consciously. If you really like to eat scrambled eggs in the morning with a fresh baguette – to your health. But if you pick up a piece of bread before every meal, simply because you were taught to do so in childhood – it's time to reconsider this habit.
Arrange endless snacks
You can easily eat your daily sugar allowance over a cup of sweet tea with cookies. And its excess in the body is a direct path to obesity.
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