Quail or chicken eggs? Which eggs are healthier?

Quail eggs are rich in magnesium, they almost do not cause allergies and are resistant to infections.

It is generally accepted that quail eggs are very healthy, much healthier than chicken eggs. However, in terms of the amount of vitamins, these eggs are almost identical. Quail eggs contain more trace elements, and differ from chicken eggs in their high magnesium content – 32 mg per 100 grams, while chicken eggs have only 12 mg. For comparison, buckwheat has this figure of 229 mg. per 100 grams, which is almost 10 times more than in quail eggs.

The undeniable advantage of quail eggs is their high iron content – about 3.2 mg. Although in the same buckwheat this figure is about 8.3 mg.

In addition, quail eggs are better digested and contain less fat. Quail eggs are often recommended to be given to children from an early age, and in some countries they are included in the list of recommended foods for schoolchildren.

The most important advantage of quail eggs is their safety and environmental friendliness. This is due to the fact that the shell of a chicken egg is porous and in 10-30 minutes from its surface, droppings, dirt, and infections can penetrate the egg. But with quail eggs, the situation is the opposite, the shell is very dense and it is practically impossible for bacteria to get inside.

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Author: alex

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