Raspberries were called a simple and effective means for longevity

Life expectancy can be largely attributed to a healthy, balanced diet. Experts advise to eat at least five portions of different fruits and vegetables every day, and the basis of the diet should be foods rich in protein and fiber. In addition, it is important to consume unsaturated oils and drink plenty of fluids.

When it comes to berries, some of them are so good for health that they should become a staple food in the refrigerator for those who want to live long. . Raspberries are rich in flavonoids-quercetin and gallic acid, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the heart, cells and protect against obesity.

The berry contains several powerful antioxidants, including vitamin C and ellagic acid. Compared to blackberries and blueberries, there are twice as many of them in Malina.

Scientists have proven that it also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces the risk of chronic diseases, including diabetes and cancer. In addition, research shows that raspberries lower blood sugar and improve insulin resistance.

In a scientific paper published in the US National Library of Medicine, the effect of raspberries on the destruction of stomach and colon cancer cells was studied. “Although the antioxidant capacity of raspberry extracts is important for suppressing the proliferation of tumor cells, other characteristics of berry extracts are responsible for most of their anti-proliferative activity,” the scientists said. As a result, it was found that the berry extract killed more than 90% of malignant cells.

Experts also found out that raspberries contain a large amount of anthocyanins, which protect against inflammatory stress and inflammation, which contribute to the development of heart diseases. In addition, the berry removes “bad” cholesterol from the body and prevents deterioration of cognitive functions of the brain.

Source storinka.com.ua

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Author: alex

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