Raspberries will grow poorly and become small if these plants are nearby
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Big and sweet raspberry berries can sometimes remain only a dream. There is everything that interests this culture (feeding, sun, pruning), but the bushes do not want to grow and bear fruit. Care is crucial to growing a healthy crop, but there is a nuance that you need to be aware of.
Fruiting and threats to it
For raspberries, plants that grow nearby can pose a danger. If birch trees grow near the site, they will suppress it. Plum and coniferous plants are similarly negatively affected. The problem with these plants in relation to raspberries is that they dry out the soil. With a shortage of water, juicy, sweet and large berries will not grow.
Strawberries are also undesirable neighbors for raspberries. It is better to place such beds away from raspberry plantations. They have the same pest called a weevil. You should not increase the risks of cross-contamination.
If sea buckthorn grows next to raspberries, it will try to dominate the fight for nutrients and moisture. That is why zoning and choosing a place for planting must be planned in advance.
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