Red pepper for hair growth: does it really help?
In folk medicine and cosmetology, a remedy such as red pepper has long been known. The hot remedy is excellent for improving hair growth. We will talk about the benefits of red pepper for hair, contraindications and methods that really help grow thick and beautiful hair in this material.
Benefits of red pepper for hair
Red pepper, when used properly, can help eliminate oiliness, dandruff, and normalize hair growth. Sometimes products based on it are used to combat alopecia, that is, hair loss and baldness. And it really helps.
How does red pepper help grow hair? It has a warming effect. Blood rushes to the treated area, and the root zone receives oxygen. Dormant bulbs are activated, and curls become more elastic. And other components are able to moisturize and nourish the scalp. The therapeutic effect of such products is due to capsaicin, vitamins A, C and group B, as well as potassium, magnesium, iron.
There are a number of beneficial properties of red pepper for hair:
- Improving blood circulation;
- Strengthening the roots;
- Anti-inflammatory effect;
- Stabilizing the work of the sebaceous glands;
- Stimulating growth;
- Treating dandruff and other scalp diseases;
- Increasing the density and strength of hair;
- Solving the problem of hair loss.
However, you should not think that red pepper is harmless. Chili should not be used in some situations. In particular, with open wounds and abrasions on the head, personal intolerance to the product. It is also worth being careful with such procedures for owners of sensitive skin and with dry skin, as you can only worsen the situation.
Use of red pepper
Red pepper should only be used in polyethylene gloves. The procedure will also require the use of a brush or cotton swab to apply the product.
The composition can cause a burning sensation on the head. Do not think that this is unacceptable. Due to capsaicin, this is a completely normal phenomenon, which indicates that the blood circulation process is running. But if the burning is strong, unbearable, it is better to wash the product off the head.
You do not need to keep the mixture for too long. Otherwise, you can harm yourself. Sometimes only 10-15 minutes are enough. In no case should the time exceed 40 minutes.
In its pure form, red pepper is never used for hair growth. Ideally, the finished tincture is mixed with various substances. It all depends on what effect you want to achieve. For a better effect, you can wrap your head with a plastic bag or towel, which will provide an additional thermal effect.
Mixtures based on tinctures are applied for literally 2-3 minutes, after which they are washed off with warm water. And masks require a longer effect on the hair. It's all about the concentration – in mixtures it is much higher.
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