Refusing flour can be a way to treat a dangerous disease

According to a study by scientists from the USA, refusing to use flour can be a unique way of treating such a dangerous disease as eczema (atopic dermatitis), which affects the skin.< /p>

Specialists of the National Center of Biotechnological Information concluded that a passion for dishes and products made from white flour can provoke the development of skin diseases – accordingly, the refusal of flour helps in the fight against them.

Negative influence of white flour experts associate the effect of refined flour on the condition of the skin with its strong processing, which deprives this product of fiber, vitamins and minerals present in wheat grains. In addition, it contains gluten, which affects the intestines in a specific way, the work of which depends on the state of the immune system.

An experiment was conducted with the participation of 170 people suffering from eczema. Summarizing his conclusions, the scientists postulated that proper nutrition may well be an “alternative method of treatment”, helping to significantly alleviate the condition of a person with this disease even without the use of medications.

Eczema or atopic dermatitis causes itching, dryness, cracks and soreness of the skin – at the same time, there are no specific drugs to get rid of the disease.

“When white flour was excluded from the diet, 49% of patients suffering from eczema noticed an improvement in the condition of the skin”, – the scientists said about the positive the effect of refusing flour for this disease.

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Author: alex

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