Reprogramming yourself: how to direct thoughts into a productive channel and revive the best version of the brain
The term “reprogramming” of the brain has become a psychological revolution lately, you can literally reconstruct your brain, direct our thoughts into a more productive channel
sometimes all What we need to start looking at things a little differently. And here are 11 ways to do it.
From success you are separated by a millimeter
sometimes it seems to us that the path to the goal is very long. But psychologists say it is often much shorter than we think. Teacher. Every time you hear no in response, it helps you train your mental muscles. And you will end up what you need.
take the negative
There are probably over a billion things that can go wrong as you want. You need to be able to accept this fact and not be upset every time. We notice more negativity around the brain structure. But you need to be able to return everything to another channel, everything is good and bad. > Find your way, your own recipe for happiness. Program your brain to think that you are very valuable for others and can learn knowledge and act better than anyone else.
Discard scarce thinking
we are used to thinking that we need more for happiness. But in fact – no. This planet is enough resources for all of us. So stop in your attempts to have more and start living now.
If you always wanted to do something then do it
Our brain will find 101 reasons that we cannot do what we always wanted to do. But if you refuse to think of these causes, your brain will find the necessary opportunities. Do not wait for the right time and start acting right now. The trick is to tie as much failure as possible in the same area of your life. So you get the right experience and succeed.
treat your life as a scientific experiment and start trying new things to see what success formulas work for you.
Action is all that matters
you can read a lot of blogs and surround yourself with a positive. Nothing of this will help your success. Only an action based on knowledge and experience will lead you to the right result. You can be a catalyst for changes
amazing things in the world are not created by special people. A way to rebuild your brain is to understand that the same people as you, every day do unusual things.
love is easier to find than you think
the truth is that love is around us, and we don't even have to look for it. Keep the door open and watch love and gratitude work miracles.
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