Research: Vaping can lead to impotence

The risk of pathologies is approximately twice as high as in non-smokers .

Scientists have long proven that smoking can cause erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular diseases. And does the use of electronic cigarettes and other nicotine delivery systems (NDEs) have the same effect? Doctors of a number of US universities asked themselves this question. 

13,711 men aged 20 to 65 took part in the study. All of them passed a survey in which they talked about their problems with potency, bad habits, chronic diseases and other problems. The possible association of ESD use with erectile dysfunction was tested in multivariate logistic regression models in full and restricted samples adjusted for several risk factors.

Scientists concluded that those who smoke vapes and electronic cigarettes experience problems with potency are on average twice as frequent as those who have never used ESD. Moreover, it does not depend on age, cardiovascular diseases and excess weight. The only established factor capable of improving the situation was physical activity.

Unequivocal conclusions are not drawn in this study, since for a more complete picture it is necessary to take into account the possible influence of a number of other variables, including smoking history. However, the current results are already causing concern and allow us to talk about the connection between smoking vapes and problems with men's sexual health.

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Author: alex

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