Return of conscripts to Ukraine: a statement was made in Poland

Poland at the forefront of helping Ukraine in preparing these people for military service, assured Radoslav Sikorskyi

MFA Head Radoslav Sikorskyi thinks that the EU could create such conditions that would encourage potential recruits to return to the Motherland.< /p>

Poland believes that conditions can be created in the EU that will encourage Ukrainians who are conscripted into military service to return home. This was stated by Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Radoslaw Sikorskyi in an interview with RMF24.

According to him, European countries must help Ukraine. In particular, in EU countries there are hundreds of thousands of potential recruits who have to defend the Motherland.

He added that Poland is at the forefront of helping Ukraine in preparing these people for military service.

Discussion regarding the return to Ukraine of persons who evade military service is handled at the level of the European Union, added Sikorsky.

“Here you can set such conditions for the stay of Ukrainians in the EU, which will stimulate them to fulfill their duty to protect the Motherland.” , – summed up the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland.

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Author: alex

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