Ripe or unripe: which bananas are the most useful?

Some like it extra sweet, others like their banana a little firmer – but not only the color and consistency change with the ripeness of the banana, but also the ingredients.

You buy bananas green, but after a few days it turns into a bright yellow fruit, and small brown dots.

But at what stage of ripening is a banana most useful and contains the most important substances?

Banana is so useful

Bananas have many positive effects on the body. They are rich in minerals such as potassium, which is mainly needed by the cells of the body.

But the yellow fruit is also ideal as a supplier of magnesium and thus contributes to the energy metabolism of muscle and nerve cells. At the same time, bananas are rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis and digestion. The fruit is a popular companion, especially among athletes – hard training requires a quick source of energy.

But how can a banana have all these benefits at the same time? Theoretically, this is impossible. The benefits of a banana depend entirely on its ripeness.

While a green banana is especially rich in starch (fiber) and potassium, a brown-skinned banana is suitable as a quick source of energy, as the sugar content increases dramatically as it ripens. .

Research conducted in Indonesia shows that the ingredients of the banana also change during the ripening process, and therefore the fruit has many advantages.

Green bananas contain almost no simple sugars (fructose and glucose ) and do not provide the body with quick energy. It is an ideal alternative, especially for diabetics, since the blood sugar level rises only after certain intervals.

In the last phase of ripening, the starch content is particularly low, so that the proportion of long-chain glucose molecules is much lower. As a result, the small intestine has to do less work to break down individual molecules. This makes the banana easier to digest and easier to digest, unlike a green banana.

The choice of bananas therefore depends on individual goals.

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Author: alex

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