Rules of cooking from chefs


everyone knows that it is extremely useful and nutritious to get protein with food daily. The most affordable and the most delicious is egg consumption. Simple rules that you will get a delicious meal. Wait for at room temperature. You do not need to use a blender or mixer. It is better to use a regular fork for this purpose.

  • This dish is cooked without starch or flour. The components of the omelette – eggs, milk, spices. If you wish, you can add greens, ham, tomatoes. Take 1 egg on 100 ml of milk, but to make the taste more pronounced, you can take 70 ml of milk and 30 ml of cream.
  • Follow the right ratio of components.
  • If you are preparing a French option, bake it in the oven for 15 minutes.
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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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