Runny nose, swelling, increased heart rate: how to distinguish alcohol intolerance from a hangover
0 < p>A hangover is a natural reaction of the body to excessive alcohol consumption. However, people often mistakenly confuse it with alcohol intolerance. In this regard, experts talked about the main signs of alcohol intolerance.
This condition is caused by the body's reaction to the ingredients of alcoholic beverages. The fact is that typical ingredients in alcohol, including gluten, grapes, wheat and hops, cause inflammation.
It is noted that alcohol intolerance is not related to how quickly a person becomes intoxicated, and with the appearance of certain symptoms when drinking alcohol. As a rule, they occur about 20 or 30 minutes after drinking alcoholic beverages and can last for several hours.
The main symptoms of alcohol intolerance include:
- runny nose;
- runny nose;
- reddened face;
- facial swelling;
- nausea;
- increased heart rate;
- low blood pressure;
- headache;
- confusion;
- difficulty breathing;
- hives;
- diarrhea.
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Some people are born with hereditary alcohol intolerance because their body cannot produce alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that breaks down alcohol. And sometimes there is an intolerance to only certain ingredients of alcoholic beverages. In this case, a person needs to give up specific types of alcohol, and others will be acceptable for him.
Experts explained that a special test must be taken to diagnose alcohol intolerance.
- runny nose;
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