Rye Market, Maidan and beyond: photos of Kyiv at the beginning of the 20th century

Interesting historical photos of Kyiv were shown on the network. Future Shevchenko Boulevard, Maidan, and Rye Market. It's amazing how these places looked 130 years ago.

The photo is published by “Spraga” on its Facebook page.

The building in the photo looks like a real castle! And in the distance you can see the Iron Temple, which once stood on Halytsia Square.

Zhytnij rinok, Maidan and beyond: photo of Kyiv at the beginning of the 20th century

The Maidan, 130 years ago

If you don't know the context, the photo of the Maidan looks like the wild west in the USA.

< p>Zhytnyi rynok, Maidan and beyond: photo of Kyiv at the beginning of the 20th century

Zhytnyy rynok, 1900s.

In the photo we can see private houses on the hill, they are threatened with a landslide.

During this period, Kyiv experienced two construction booms – in 1895-1899 and 1909-1914, during which profitable houses were especially actively built.

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Author: alex

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