Sandwiches and more. Named products that can infect with listeria
People have died after eating sandwiches contaminated with listeria. Experts have revealed which foods can “reward” listeriosis.
Foreign media outlets have published, citing the UK's National Health Service (NHS), information about the deaths of three Britons whose lives were cut short after eating sandwiches contaminated with the pathogenic rod-shaped bacterium Listeria, which, when ingested, provokes the development of the infectious disease listeriosis.
The agency's experts warned that the dangerous bacterium enters the body with food, and named the sources of the dangerous toxin. This list of products includes:
- frozen vegetables,
- unpasteurized milk,
- soft cheeses,
- chilled and ready-to-eat products in the form of pates, cold cuts and sandwiches.
“You can also get infected with listeria by tasting a dish prepared with unwashed hands,” the experts added.
Doctors urged not to store home-cooked snacks and the same sandwiches in the refrigerator for a long time. They also reminded that it is very dangerous to transport cooked food for a long time during the heat.
Experts named the main symptoms of infection with listeriosis pathogens as nausea, diarrhea, high fever, headache, discomfort when looking at bright light, and convulsions.
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