Schoolchildren's sense of humor is related to intelligence
The study showed that the ability to perceive humor is associated with higher intellectual level of schoolchildren. Researchers from Turkey came to such an interesting conclusion.
A more developed sense of humor is usually found in schoolchildren who have a higher amount of general knowledge and verbal thinking.
The study revealed that the connection between humor and intelligence, proving that it is much more pronounced in children than in adults. Note that throughout human history, humor has been considered a sign of intelligence.
For example, when men tell jokes, they are trying to demonstrate their intelligence and adaptability to potential partners. Many studies have found a certain connection between intelligence and humor in adults, but almost no such work has been conducted for children.
And so about 200 Turkish schoolchildren signed 10 recently drawn cartoons at the request of researchers. Then 7 experts rated how funny these captions are and how they correspond to the picture.
In total, 30,380 humor ratings of schoolchildren were received. It has been established that the general level of intelligence is strongly correlated with humor. Intelligence accounted for 68% of the variance in humor ability. In particular, children with a higher level of basic knowledge and verbal thinking possessed the highest abilities for humor.
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