Science has found out how to turn cowards into brave ones
Scientists have discovered a way to influence the brain, with which you can increase courage and get rid of fear. This became possible due to the constant monitoring of brain activity in real time.
Scientists have developed a method that changes the functioning of the brain in such a way as to destroy fears and increase self-confidence. It is expected that the technology could be used to treat psychological conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias and anxiety.
The technology is still in its early stages of development, and Japanese scientists are trying to determine exactly how it works. It is quite possible that the technique will be ineffective for every person. But the researchers have already published the results of their work in the hope that other experts will help improve this procedure. It is a combination of artificial intelligence and MRI scanning.
Scientists have found that functional magnetic resonance therapy allows real-time monitoring of brain activity, which can then be compared with previous scans.
For example, the brain of a person with arachnophobia or a fear of spiders will react somewhat differently to a picture with a tarantula than a person who does not suffer from this phobia. When in the course of experiments their authors gave material rewards to volunteers, over time it helped to strengthen brain connections in a positive way, so that when pictures with spiders appeared again, victims of Arachnophobia were no longer afraid of them.
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