Scientists: All blue -eyed people have a common ancestor


genetic studies have shown that all people with blue eyes have the same mutation of gene, which is responsible for the number of pags. Eye shell-from light blue to almost black. But, according to German scientists, at first all people had brown eyes. Other colors came out as a result of mutations. Blue eyes are of particular interest. According to scientists, this mutation first appeared about six thousand years ago. The number of pigment in the iris corresponds to a certain gene, the mutations in which are caused by different color of the eyes. All have the same mutation of this gene. This suggests that all blue -eyed people inherited this mutation from one common ancestor who lived about six thousand years ago. It is unknown how mutations in the gene responsible for the color of the iris. Scientists believe that it could be some external influence. In what territory the mutation arose, too, it was not possible to determine-now blue-eyed people are anywhere in the planet.

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Author: alex

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