Scientists claim that two cups of coffee a day can prolong life
Coffee lovers who drink about two cups of this drink a day have more chances to live longer than those who do not drink, scientists have found.
According to a study conducted by the British Agency for Cancer Research and Imperial College London, the most frequent consumption of coffee contributes to a reduction in the risk of death from a number of diseases.
Scientists say that the most obvious is the relationship between the consumption of coffee and a reduction in the risk of death. from diseases of the circulatory system and digestive organs.
This is one of the largest such studies. More than 500,000 people over the age of 35 from 10 European countries took part in it. Observations were carried out for 16 years. The study was published in the scientific journal Annals of Internal Medicine.
“We found that drinking coffee reduces the risk of death, especially death from diseases of the circulatory system and digestive organs” . – says one of the researchers Mark Guenther from the Cancer Research Agency.
Is any coffee good
Scientists emphasize that, despite different traditions in the preparation and consumption of coffee in different European countries, the results were actually the same in all regions. This means that both espresso and cappuccino can be considered equally useful.
Among Europeans, Danes drink the most coffee per day – on average 900 ml per day, Italians drink the least, surprisingly – 92 ml per day.
“Our study provides an important understanding of the possible mechanism of positive effects of coffee on health,” the scientist emphasizes.
As it turned out, those who used to drink a lot of coffee felt younger, and, as a rule, they were more likely to be alcoholics, smokers , and also ate more meat and less vegetables and fruits.
As scientists assume, this effect is not caused by the caffeine contained in this drink. The study just didn't find any relationship between improved health and the habit of drinking decaffeinated coffee. The results of those who drank regular and decaffeinated coffee turned out to be the same.
It's not about caffeine
According to the assumption of the researchers, it's all about the antioxidants contained in coffee.
As it turned out, those who used to drink a lot of coffee felt younger, and, as a rule, they were more likely to drink alcohol, smoke, and ate more meat and less vegetables and fruits.
< p>Of the group that participated in the study, almost 42,000 people died over 16 years – from various diseases, including cancer, diseases of the circulatory system, and heart attacks.
As it turned out, men who drank more coffee had an 18% lower risk of death than those who refused coffee or drank it in small quantities.
Among women, this effect is less pronounced: the risk of death for them turned out to be 8% lower than for women who drank coffee in small quantities or completely refused it
Another study
A similar study was conducted by American scientists from the University of Southern of California – its results were also published by the Annals of Internal Medicine.
In total, more than 185 thousand people of different ethnicities participated in the American study – Latin Americans, African Americans, Japanese and Europeans in the USA.
It is important that the results of the study by scientists from the USA were similar to the conclusions of their British colleagues.
According to the American study, people who drink one cup of coffee a day have a risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases, stroke, cancer, respiratory and kidney diseases was 12% lower.
Those who usually drank two to three cups of coffee a day had an 18% lower risk of death.
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