Scientists: Cooking food on firewood can provoke the development of lung diseases

Scientists from the University of California state that cooking with wood can provoke the development of lung diseases. 4 million people die from them every year in the world.

According to the results of the study presented at the meeting of the radiological society of North America, about three billion people cook food on wood. During its burning, substances are released that seriously pollute the air.

In a scientific work, scientists studied the effect of pollutants from a kitchen stove on 23 people who prepare food in the conditions of burning fat and liquefied gas. The concentration of pollution in the houses was measured, with the help of spirometry the parameters of the volunteers' lungs were studied. Also, experts used a computer and scanned their functionality.

Scientists found that people who use wood are exposed to serious concentrations of pollution and bacterial endotoxins. In those who used gas, a violation of the gas exchange process was found in part of the lungs. This suggests that smoke can provoke inflammation, which is not immediately noticed by patients. It is noted that forest fires also have a negative impact on people's health.

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Author: alex

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