Scientists from Germany assessed the possible danger of reboiled water

In their opinion scientists from Germany, representing the Fresenius Institute, shared about the possible danger of drinking reboiled water.

Institute scientists assessed the possible danger of reboiled water for the human body. experts were asked to do this to clarify whether it is necessary to pour out the remaining water from the kettle in order to boil the liquid for making a fresh drink. Many people usually pour it out, but in this way, a large amount of a valuable resource is simply wasted.

“People fear that their health may be harmed by the bacteria that multiply in the water that is left. Another argument of those who pour out the water is that it can accumulate harmful substances from the materials used to make the kettle. , experts from the Fresenius Institute came to the conclusion that her drinking is absolutely not dangerous. Scientists from Germany explain that a certain number of bacteria in stagnant water can indeed appear, but re-boiling the water will destroy them.

Also, according to them, there is no data that in the water, that settles in the kettle can leach potential toxins such as nickel or BPA. At the same time, scientists note the importance of using good-quality teapots.

In summary, the experts of the Institute noted that the fear of the possible danger of reboiled water is something like a relic of the past.

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Author: alex

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