Scientists from the USA: Broccoli is the most useful vegetable for women

Scientists from the USA in the course of the study came to the conclusion that broccoli is an ideal vegetable for women to eat. Its composition includes nutrients that have a positive effect on health.

When eating broccoli, the work of digestion, cardiovascular and immune systems improves. The vegetable has anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic effects. But it is especially useful for women. According to scientists, breast cancer is the most common oncological disease among the beautiful half in recent times. Broccoli can reduce the development of cancer cells.

Experts isolated a substance from the vegetable, calling it sulfate, and conducted clinical trials on mice, concluding that the product can destroy cancer cells without affecting healthy ones. With the help of modern methods of treatment, it is impossible to completely overcome cancer diseases and suppress the reproduction of cancer cells, for this reason relapses may occur. However, the study of the effect of broccoli on the body showed that cabbage should be included in the diet of women prone to breast or uterine cancer.

The vegetable is considered the best product for the beautiful half, as it is enriched with plant pigments and antioxidants, including glucobrassicin, carotenoids and flavonoids. Broccoli contains fiber, potassium, vitamins A, B6 and C. The vegetable has a positive effect on the body during the treatment of diabetes, obesity, autism, and during detoxification. It also improves vision, helps in the treatment of inflammation. Scientists recommend using it fresh for maximum benefits. In the event of health problems, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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Author: alex

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