Scientists from the USA have compiled a list of 20 foods that make a person a “slave to food”

In the USA, a group of scientists from the University of Michigan compiled the TOP-20 products, addictive. It should be taken into account that the desire to eat deliciously can make a person a “slave to food” due to excessive gastronomic selectivity.

Scientists warn about the inadmissibility of overeating, it is associated with the consumption of products to the detriment of oneself. You need to be able to say “no” to food. The list opens with pizza, this dish is very pleasant in the mouth and has the effect of getting used to it quickly.

Chocolate follows because of its unique taste. Thanks to food additives, chips have a spicy taste that many gourmets like. Next come ice cream and cookies, their effect is reinforced by the sensation of sweet taste.

French fries and burgers together with soda make up the complex of fast food, they also have an attachment effect. Experts noted cakes and pastries. Cheese, bacon and breaded chicken were included in the TOP-20. The list includes shawarma, steaks and eggs. The list is closed by jelly candies, muffins with raisins and various nuts.

The head of the scientific group, Diana Robinson, emphasizes that one should not get too attached to food, which has an addictive effect and turns a person into a “food slave.” People on an emotional level often “eat” stress with “something tasty”, which causes excessive fullness.

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Author: alex

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