Scientists: Grapes contain substances for the prevention of oncology

Every year, more than 70 million tons are grown all over the planet grapes Nutritionists talked about the benefits and harms of the berry for the human body, as well as the role of the product in the prevention of cancer.

Supporting the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels

Grapes contain many polyphenols. They contribute to the regulation of “good cholesterol” indicators. Polyphenols reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Resveratrol in the product reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases due to its antioxidant properties. Through a meta-analysis, nutritionists found that dietary fiber in grapes reduces “bad” cholesterol and prevents disease. Flavonoids protect the heart from blood clots. Rutin in the berries blocks the formation of some proteins.


Grape berries have preventive properties if there is a risk of diabetes. Eating fruits and vegetables, grapes and blueberries reduces the likelihood of type 2 diabetes.

Healthy digestion

100-120 g of grapes contain approximately 5% of the daily fiber requirement. For the normal functioning of the colon, it is necessary to regularly eat the berry as a light snack during lunch or breaks. A high-fiber diet reduces the risk of hemorrhoids and diverticulitis.

Cancer prevention

Scientists representing the University of Colorado reported that grapes and products in which they are found are dietary products, for this reason they have chemopreventive potential against oncology. They also improve human health. Berries prevent the risk of breast, colon and prostate cancer. This can be explained by the presence of resveratrol in grapes, which blocks the growth and development of cancer cells in the mammary gland. Substances from grape seed extracts prevent prostate cancer.

Bone health

100 g of berry contains 12-15% of the daily norm of vitamin K. it is needed by the human body so that the bone tissue is strong. Scientists conducted an experiment during which they came to the conclusion that people who consume more than 110 mcg of vitamin K per day are less prone to fractures of some bones. Grapes contain about 8-9% of the daily value of copper, which strengthens bone material.

Damage of grapes

The skin of grapes can be dangerous to health. Farmers treat the berries with various pesticides and fertilizers, and the skin absorbs them. An allergic reaction of the body to fruits may also occur. It manifests itself in the form of redness or rash on the skin, shortness of breath, wheezing and itching. If an allergy is observed, it is urgently necessary to consult a doctor.

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Author: alex

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