Scientists have called a product that reduces cholesterol absorption in the body


High cholesterol increases the risk of various health complications. This includes, but is not limited to the increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.

cholesterol management often requires a combination of good diet, regular exercise and medication. One of the products that positively associated with good cholesterol is garlic, Express reports. The meta-analysis of existing research, conducted by the Department of Additional Medicine of the University of Extener, revealed a positive correlation between garlic and reduction of cholesterol. Only people with total cholesterol greater than 200 mg/dl.

have questioned the degree in which garlic really lowers cholesterol. The study of 2000 studied exclusively randomized double -blind placebo – study. This means that neither researchers nor patients knew who received garlic supplements and who had placebo. The authors studied the role of garlic as additives, not its use in cooking.

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Author: alex

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