Scientists have called an unusual feeling on the lips an early sign of cancer
Cancer is extremely dangerous disease The treatment process depends on how early it is possible to detect the disease. Experts told what symptoms can indicate a serious problem.
Scientists told about cancer of the oral cavity, which is characterized by the presence of a tumor in one of the parts of the mouth. It can be on the surface of the tongue, the inside of the cheeks, palate, lips or gums.
It is noted that early detected cancer can increase the chances of survival from 50% to 90%. To detect it at an early stage, scientists advise paying attention to any unusual sensations. Specialists talked about a symptom that can be a sign of the disease.
It is an inexplicable numbness that is felt on the lips. This happens when cancer cells damage the nerves or blood vessels in the mouth. Also, symptoms of oral cancer include painful sensations or irritation on the tongue, red or white spots on the lips, difficulty chewing or swallowing.
It is noted that smoking is associated with most cases of oral cancer. Its risk of development also increases with alcohol consumption. Experts emphasize that the disease occurs more often in men over 40 than in women.
In order to detect any alarming symptoms, it is necessary to carry out a two-minute check yourself every month. It includes palpation of the face, neck, lips, gums, cheeks, tongue and palate. During it, you need to pay attention to the presence of lumps, spots, changes in color or texture, persistent ulcers.
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