Scientists have called the most dangerous place in the house

scientists have conducted research and installed the most dangerous place in the house. In their opinion, most people are injured by choosing the wrong bed.

according to the available statistics, a year in the world dies 450, whose bed has been inappropriate. Most often it is about high furniture. Bunk of them are the most traumatic, given the height of the products. It is emphasized that most victims are children and the elderly. In addition, the old threat is the usual beds, not selected by growth. The height should not exceed the bend line in the knee. Employees of the Center for Injury Studies say up to 80% of accidents occur during sleep. In this case, even compliance with height parameters does not guarantee safety. The length is also important and should not be short.

However, too low furniture can also be dangerous to health. This is due to the accumulation of dirt and dust that falls under the bed. If it is difficult to remove it, a person begins to be exposed to the harmful compounds contained in the garbage. In urban conditions, it can be about lead and cadmium.

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Author: alex

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