Scientists have called the only cause of four types of cancer

The common cause British Charity Cancer Research UK. Experts state that obesity is a new smoking. According to them, excess fat on the body is the same carcinogenic factor as the habit of “moving” cigarettes.

in particular, they call obesity the cause of four types of cancer, bowel cancer, ovaries, kidneys and liver. /P>

“Obesity is a new smoking, the National Health Service cannot win a battle with thick abdomen alone. The involvement of family, food industry, government, ”the representatives of Cancer Research UK are positioned. In the body, which, in turn, adversely affects the processes of cell division. Based on already known scientific data, experts suggest that obesity can be the only cause for the development of a minimum of 13 types of cancer, affecting the stomach, intestines, pancreas, kidneys, breasts, ovaries, uterus, lungs, bone marrow.

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Author: alex

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