Scientists have come close to a complete treatment of bronchial asthma

Irish specialists came close to creating medicines for bronchial asthma. Scientists have discovered that proteins of the caspase family play an important role in the development of the disease.


This is the conclusion reached by the staff of Trinity College in Dublin, Internet sources report.

The relationship between bronchial asthma and organic substances was established by scientists for the first time: before, experts had never connected proteins with the development of the disease.

An experiment was conducted on laboratory rodents. As a result, experts established that it is the proteins of the caspase family that influence the development of innate immunity and are a link in the emergence of the disease in humans and rodents.

In the future, the scientific discovery may help in the creation of drugs for asthma.

< p>Bronchial asthma is a disease in which the lumen of the bronchi is narrowed. As a result, a person has attacks of nausea, coughing and shortness of breath. Currently, more than 230 million people in the world are asthmatics. It is worth noting that specialists have not yet managed to create a drug against bronchial asthma. Modern means only help to alleviate the symptoms of chronic respiratory tract disease.

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Author: alex

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