Scientists have confirmed that sexual activity affects life expectancy

Scientists from Washington University in St. Louis (USA) state that people's sexual activity affects their life expectancy. Intimate life with an intensity of at least once a week reduces the risk of early death by two times – this is confirmed by the data they received.

Summing up the results of an 11-year study, scientists confirmed that sexual activity affects life expectancy, writes edition of The Sun. Scientific specialists studied information concerning 15,269 people aged (on average) 39 years. About 72% of the subjects were sexually active at least once a month, 36% of the participants – at least once a week. During the research period, 228 people died, including from the consequences of cancer and heart disease.

The authors of the work assessed the intensity of mortality in two groups – rarely and often had intimate relationships with people. They concluded that high sexual activity has a positive effect on the length of human life – thanks to it, the risk of premature death decreases.

“Sex every week reduces the risk of premature death from cardiovascular diseases by 21%, from cancer by 69% and by 48% from any other reason,” scientific experts reported.

They explain the health-improving effect of sexual relations by the production of chemical compounds that improve mental health, activate the “killer cells” of the immune system, that destroy pathogens. As a result, the likelihood of the appearance of tumors, viral diseases, lung infections decreases.

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Author: alex

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