Scientists have confirmed the benefits of dairy products for the heart

Love of dairy products has a positive effect on health cardiovascular system, this was shown by a new international study carried out by specialists from the USA, Sweden and Australia.

Scientists state that people with a higher consumption of milk fat have a significantly reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases compared to those , who uses them little.

The study was conducted by specialists from the George Institute for Global Health, the Bloomberg Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, and Uppsala University.

They combined the results of an analysis of health data from more than 4,000 Swedish adults, with the results of 17 similar studies in other countries – all these projects studied the relationship between the use of dairy products in relation to the risk of cardiovascular diseases and mortality from their consequences.

The researchers tested the content of certain fatty acids in the blood of people coming from dairy products. It turned out that people with the highest levels of these acids showed the least susceptibility to cardiovascular disease.

This pattern persisted even after statistical adjustment for other known cardiovascular disease risk factors, including age, income, lifestyle, dietary habits, other diseases.

One of the authors of the project, Dr. Maty Marklund, noted that, following dietary guidelines, people often give up milk, but reducing the consumption of milk fat or giving up dairy products in general can go a long way not the best choice for heart health.

Another scientist, Dr. Cathy Triou, reported that the effect of dairy products on health largely depends not on fat, but on their quality, naturalness. The expert emphasizes that, in addition to fat, dairy products contain many other nutrients, the adequate intake of which is important for maintaining good health.

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Author: alex

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