Scientists have debunked one of the most persistent myths about coffee
Experts conducted a study that debunked one of the most persistent myths about coffee. In their opinion, this drink does not disturb sleep.
For many years, it was believed that coffee negatively affects the nervous system, and if consumed in the evening, it can ruin your night's rest. New scientific work refutes this, since a cup of aromatic product or black tea drunk four hours before nightfall does not harm the body.
Alcohol and nicotine pose a great danger. Even small doses of these substances can provoke insomnia. Experts came to such conclusions after conducting a large-scale experiment that lasted for 13.5 years. Every evening, 785 people recorded information about their well-being, noting the exact number of cigarettes smoked, cups of invigorating drink drunk, and the amount of alcohol consumed.
Thanks to the volunteers, it was possible to find out exactly what effect coffee has on the human body. However, the researchers note that during the experiment they did not take into account the individual characteristics of the subjects.
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