Scientists have debunked the myth about drinks made from sugar substitutes

It is generally accepted that drinks with sugar substitutes do not cause harm for health, scientists debunked this myth. 

Statistical studies of the eating habits of more than one hundred thousand people showed that the consumption of sweet drinks became the reason for the increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, products that use artificial sweeteners increase this probability by 20%.

In addition, researchers found that regular consumption of diet cola increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by a third.

Nevertheless, experts do not recommend abusing sugar in its classic form. According to experts, it is better to eat its healthy substitutes.

“Sugar-containing products in their natural form, for example, whole fruits, are usually very nutritious. They have a high content of nutrients, fiber and a relatively low glycemic index,” says Dr. David Ludwig, an employee of Harvard Medical School.

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Author: alex

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